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while living abroad in 2011, i couldn't afford the "all natural" products that were on the market. my skin continued to worsen as I used low quality skin care. I needed to find a cure for my problematic skin, and products that claimed to be "all natural," still contained chemicals and preservatives, and a long list of ingredients i could not pronounce. after some research on herbal and natural remedies, I discovered the benefits of a few carrier oils. my skin cleared up, and I was glowing after the first couple days. this is when I realized I did not need to spend an excess amount of money to have the clear skin I wanted. this sparked my curiosity. if these carrier oils were able to drastically benefit my skin, what other ailments could I treat naturally? after nearly ten years, my knowledge of oils and herbs grew, as I concocted recipes for myself, and others. as I have seen these products work, I am excited to share my natural healing with you. 

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